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Lomography Spinner 360

01:08 Reporter: bloggergeek 0 Responses
The Lomography Spinner 360 takes the panorama camera angle up several notches, with its ability to capture a full 360-degree view of your surroundings.

For a cool US$145, which just in case you're wondering, is about the price of a Ray-ban Wayfarer/Clubmaster, you won't ever have to settle for shaky-handed videos to capture a complete view of everything around you (including you).

Head over to if you feel like dropping some cash on the super cool new gadget.


Days With My Father

00:48 Reporter: bloggergeek 0 Responses

Days With My Father is photographer Phillip Toledano's heartbreaking photo journal of his time with his father, after his mother passed away.

Beautiful photographs tell the story of a man past his prime and deteriorating in health, and a son's immense love for his ageing father. It'll have you sobbing in the corner after 3 pages.


San Diego Zoo

03:47 Reporter: bloggergeek 0 Responses
World-famous San Diego Zoo is home to more than 4000 animals. Located in the sunny Southern California city, where the sun always shines and the breeze never fails, the attraction is a great day of fun and learning, and a must-visit for everyone, tourists and residents alike.

Travel expert Veronica Hill has your San Diego Zoo tips here:

Adult 1-day pass: $40
Child 1-day pass: $30

For more information, visit